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WFWS Reminder

WFWS50 Entry Deadline is October 11!
WFWS50 CAFE entry deadline is only two weeks away! As of September 23, only 39 artists have entered WFWS50 and only one member is from IWS. 

The West Texas Watercolor Society is hosting the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 50th Anniversary Exhibition in Lubbock, Texas from February 1, 2025 to May 4, 2025. The show juror is Ken Call. ( The show venue is Museum of Texas Tech University. This show is open to watermedia artists who are members of one of the WFWS Component Societies, including IWS. Your IWS annual dues for 2025 must be paid by the WFWS entry deadline, which is October 11, 2024, or your entry will be disqualified. Please read the WFWS50 prospectus carefully and note that for WFWS50 mats must be a single white mat and a minimum of 3” on each side. Please call me if you need help with the math.

Ready to enter? The CAFE page for submitting entries for WFWS50 is now open. Click on the link below to view the prospectus and enter your paintings for consideration.

This year, in CAFE, once entries are checked out, submitted, and paid, there will be no changes or adding or substituting images, so please be sure of your entry before submission and payment. 

You may enter your submissions until 11:59 pm on October 11, 2024.
Please call or email me with any questions.
Good luck!
Shelly Johnson
IWS WFWS Delegate
208 922-7566

Southwest Region Only – St. Al’s Artist of the Month Artist Program for 2025 – 2026

By Region - Southwest

St. Al’s is preparing for their invitation only Artist of the Month Art Program for 2025 – 2026. If you would like to participate, please note the RSVP date is September 27 with the submission form due to the St. Al’s team by October 4.

Download the three documents provided by them and follow the directions as stated to apply.


St. Al’s Artist Program Document 1

St. Al’s Artist Program Document 2

St. Al’s Artist Program Document 3




Election Ballot – Idaho Watercolor Society 2024 – Reminder

By All IWS Info, Annual IWS Location, IWS Annual Meeting, Region - Eastern, Region - Northern, Region - Southcentral, Region - Southeast, Region - Southwest

**** REMINDER ****



The following three items are up for election and voting. Out of 275 members, only 71 members have voted to date. That’s 26% of our member base. Please take the time to vote and make your voice heard.


After reading through, please select the link at the end for the voting ballot.


TO: IWS Membership

  • Election of Vice President to the Board Term 2024 – 2025:

Vice President

Terms: 1 Year

In an effort to stagger the election of officers, so that we always have experienced people on the board, the only office up for election this year is Vice President.  Per last year’s by-laws changes, the Vice President will follow as President when the current President’s term expires, August 31, 2025.

Standing for election is Lynn McConnell

This election cycle, started September 1st, 2023, is as follows:

President: 2 years ending August 31, 2025
Vice President: 1 year ending August 31, 2024
Recording Secretary: 2 years ending August 31, 2025
Treasurer: 3 years ending August 31, 2026

  • By-Law Changes

It has been extremely difficult this year to get people to step into leadership roles so that our organization can continue to survive.   We are also experiencing declining interest in several areas of the State.  Therefore, the board is proposing two By-Law changes for membership consideration.

1.  Change to membership


All watercolor painters maintaining primary residence in the State of Idaho, or in cities with a 20-mile adjacency to the Idaho borderare eligible to become active members of the Society.  In order to retain active status, a member must be current on dues and enter work in a Society sponsored show at least once every three years (includes open shows).  Active members shall have full voting privileges and shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.

(Cities that fit these criteria include Clarkston, Ontario, Spokane, and Missoula).

2.  Changes to President’s Position


The Officers of the Board shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate Past-President, and the Regional Directors. If necessary, the President’s responsibilities “may be” shared between two active members. Any two active members who have agreed to share this responsibility, would be put on the ballot for voting by IWS membership, only with majority approval of the current board.


  • Selection of 2025 Annual Meeting Location –

    See the voting ballot for the list of cities.

Instructions for voting using the voting ballot in the link:
  • To vote FOR the nominated candidate, check the box next to their name. To vote for another person check the box next to “Other” and print the name of the person for whom you wish to vote.
  • To vote for the By-Law changes, check the appropriate box. A description of each change is in the voting ballot for your convenience.
  • To vote for your favorite cities for the 2025 Annual Meeting, check the box next to your two favorite locations listed on the ballot.
All voting must be received by the end of the day, September 6, 2024
If you have any questions, please contact Carol HasBrouck Browning at [email protected] or 864-423-2521.


By All IWS Info, IWS Annual Meeting, Region - Eastern, Region - Northern, Region - Southcentral, Region - Southeast, Region - Southwest

Reminder –

Annual Meeting Reservations Deadline – Friday September 6th

If you have not signed up, but want to attend, please contact Carol HasBrouck Browing at [email protected] or at 864-423-2521.

At this late date, mailing in your reservation fee will not reach Carol by the deadline of Friday, September 6, so please contact her.


Friday, September 13 & Saturday, September 14



LOCATION – Riverside Hotel & Resort
2900 W. Chinden Blvd.
Garden City, Idaho



Friday, September 13
9:30am – 11:30am

Creative Calm: Finding Balance in Artistic Endeavors

Presenter Terra Feast is a Professional Development Manager for Boise State’s
Extended Studies and an adjunct professor of art education.

Terra will share research that supports how developing and maintaining creative
practices can yield a wealth of benefits, from personal enrichment to community
engagement: and how the pursuit of perfection can diminish those returns.

Participants will learn first-hand about artmaking experiences that are relaxing,
enjoyable, and contribute to their well-being. As part of this session, participants
will be guided through an easy, low-risk creative exercise to bring
awareness to the mental and physical experience of making art.

Lunch on your own

1:00pm – 4:00pm
Sketch-Booking & Sketch-Noting Workshop

This workshop will be led by Connie Pepper, IWS South Central Regional
Director. She has won numerous local, regional, and statewide awards. Her
work is currently being shown in galleries across Idaho.

Sketch-booking: learn to use a daily sketchbook to experiment and practice
painting, drawing, doodling, collage – indoors and outside.

Sketch-noting: Learn to take visual sketch-notes when in a workshop or
class. Also, discover ways to map travels and experiences in a sketchbook with
sketch-notes. Illustrate with sketch-notes while journaling.

A supply list will be sent to all who sign up for the workshop.

5:30pm – Social Gathering
Dinner on your own

Saturday, September 14
9:30am – 12:30pm

New & Creative Substrates for Watercolor

Laurie Johnson and Joni Frey, both Distinguished Merit members of IWS
will present options beyond paper.

They will be sharing ideas on different substrates to experiment with (paper, Yupo,
Masonite, canvas, illustration board, to name a few). Also, some examples of
each…particularly how you can use gesso to take the worry out of “ruining”
expensive paper with a botched painting.  If you have painted on a unique
substrate and would be interested in showing your process, please give Laurie a
call BEFORE the workshop and talk it over with her (208-215-1588).

Lunch on your own

2:00pm – 4:30pm
Feedback Forum

Your Regional Directors: Jennifer Von Bergen, Connie Pepper, Les Scott, Cali
Ward, and Exhibition Chairman, Scott Muscolo will take the lead and include
their own colorful commentary.

This informal critique will be a fun opportunity to share your work with IWS
members across the State and get valuable feedback. Plus, it is a great
opportunity to experience the creativity of your fellow artists.

5:30 – 6:45
Annual Banquet

7:00 – 8:15
Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Since the board determined it is in the best interest of the organization to stagger
our officer terms, the only position on the ballot this year will be that of a new Vice

Annual Meeting Agenda and Ballot Reminder will be sent out separately.

Voting will be electronic, same as last year.

Annual Meeting Reservations Deadline – Friday September 6th

If you have not signed up, but want to attend, please contact Carol HasBrouck Browing at [email protected] or at 864-423-2521.

At this late date, mailing in your reservation fee will not reach Carol by the deadline of Friday, September 6, so please contact her.

SW Region Activity – Grandparents Day

By Region - Southwest

SW Region Activity – Grandparents Day

IWS is providing Watercolor for Grandparents and Grandkids in conjunction with Meridian Arts Council on Monday afternoon, 4:30-5:30, September 9, 2024, at the Old Meridian Police Station, which is 201 E Idaho Ave, in the Community Center.

The event is in celebration of Grandparents Week.  Jane Wilson, IWS member and retired Art teacher from Bishop Kelly will provide instruction, materials and promises everyone will have a fun time together.

All are welcome, and participants can register through Meridian Arts council for $10. per participant.

Registration is through Meridian Parks and Recreation: Call 208-888-3579.  Registration closes on 9/5/24.

WFWS50 Q&A and Reminder


Do you have questions about WFWS50 or the prospectus? Do you have a painting you want to enter and want an opinion? Do you have a painting in progress for WFWS and want to share? I will be at the IWS Analysis and Discussion in Eagle on September 2, 2024 to answer any questions about WFWS and share one of my paintings.


WFWS50 CAFE entries open today, August 26, 2024!


The West Texas Watercolor Society is hosting the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 50th Anniversary Exhibition in Lubbock, Texas from February 1, 2025 to May 4, 2025. The show juror is Ken Call. ( The show venue is Museum of Texas Tech University. This show is open to watermedia artists who are members of one of the WFWS Component Societies, including IWS. Your IWS annual dues for 2025 must be paid by the WFWS entry deadline, which is October 11, 2024, or your entry will be disqualified. Please read the WFWS50 prospectus carefully and note that for WFWS50 mats must be a single white mat and a minimum of 3” on each side. Please call me if you need help with the math.

Ready to enter? The CAFE page for submitting entries for WFWS50 is now open. Click on the link below to view the prospectus and enter your paintings for consideration.


This year, in CAFE, once entries are checked out, submitted, and paid, there will be no changes or adding or substituting images, so please be sure of your entry before submission and payment.

You may enter your submissions until 11:59 pm on October 11, 2024.


Good luck!


Shelly Johnson

IWS WFWS Delegate


By All IWS Info, Annual IWS Location, IWS Annual Meeting, Region - Eastern, Region - Northern, Region - Southcentral, Region - Southeast, Region - Southwest


The following three items are up for election and voting. After reading through, please select the link at the end for the voting ballot.


TO: IWS Membership

  • Election of Vice President to the Board Term 2024 – 2025:

Vice President

Terms: 1 Year

In an effort to stagger the election of officers, so that we always have experienced people on the board, the only office up for election this year is Vice President.  Per last year’s by-laws changes, the Vice President will follow as President when the current President’s term expires, August 31, 2025.

Standing for election is Lynn McConnell

This election cycle, started September 1st, 2023, is as follows:

President: 2 years ending August 31, 2025
Vice President: 1 year ending August 31, 2024
Recording Secretary: 2 years ending August 31, 2025
Treasurer: 3 years ending August 31, 2026

  • By-Law Changes

It has been extremely difficult this year to get people to step into leadership roles so that our organization can continue to survive.   We are also experiencing declining interest in several areas of the State.  Therefore, the board is proposing two By-Law changes for membership consideration.

1.  Change to membership


All watercolor painters maintaining primary residence in the State of Idaho, or in cities with a 20-mile adjacency to the Idaho borderare eligible to become active members of the Society.  In order to retain active status, a member must be current on dues and enter work in a Society sponsored show at least once every three years (includes open shows).  Active members shall have full voting privileges and shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.

(Cities that fit these criteria include Clarkston, Ontario, Spokane, and Missoula).

2.  Changes to President’s Position


The Officers of the Board shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, the immediate Past-President, and the Regional Directors. If necessary, the President’s responsibilities “may be” shared between two active members. Any two active members who have agreed to share this responsibility, would be put on the ballot for voting by IWS membership, only with majority approval of the current board.


  • Selection of 2025 Annual Meeting Location –

    See the voting ballot for the list of cities.

Instructions for voting using the voting ballot in the link:
  • To vote FOR the nominated candidate, check the box next to their name. To vote for another person check the box next to “Other” and print the name of the person for whom you wish to vote.
  • To vote for the By-Law changes, check the appropriate box. A description of each change is in the voting ballot for your convenience.
  • To vote for your favorite cities for the 2025 Annual Meeting, check the box next to your two favorite locations listed on the ballot.
All voting must be received by the end of the day, September 6, 2024
If you have any questions, please contact Carol HasBrouck Browning at [email protected] or 864-423-2521.

Reminder . . . IWS is Zooming . . . Analysis and Discussion

By All IWS Info, Events, Zoom Analysis and Discussion

Reminder . . . IWS is Zooming – Analysis and Discussion

Wednesday, August 21, 7-9 pm

Entries to Nadine “Hergy” Hergenrider

…Please send entries no later than 5pm on Zoom day, August 21. 

Tech questions?  Ask Jane Shimon [email protected]

Having trouble with a painting?

Have a successful painting that you’d like to share?

No painting to share?  Join in anyway…it’s all


Zoom Link

Attention: Chris Stubbs Workshop Attendees. Request for Information

By Annual Workshop, Workshops

Hello IWS Membership—specifically those who attended the Chris Stubbs workshop at the Riverside Hotel in June:

I gave several of you hot-pressed and cold-pressed pages from two blocks of watercolor paper generously donated to us by Michael Marchetta of Jerry’s Artarama.

I asked that those of you to whom I gave the paper relate back to me how you rate the quality of the paper.

If you have used the paper, I’d appreciate hearing how you liked it so I can report back to Michael.  If you have not yet used it, no worries, but when you do I’d like to hear about it.

Our responses to Michael and Jerry’s Artarama will influence his/their interest in working with our society positively, and his generosity deserves our attention.

Thanks very much, that’s all for now!

Be well and keep those brushes damp,


Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair
