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ArtCall Announcement for the IWS 2025 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall

Greetings IWS Members!

Registration on ArtCall for the IWS 2025 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition closed last night at 9:00 PM.

This year we had 159 submissions from 95 entrants!  That is an incredible and deeply satisfying response to our call for artists.

There are fewer problems each year as we become more accustomed to the site, and this year was the best yet.  We satisfactorily resolved each of the six or so small matters that required special attention.

We also opened up the requirements for substrate and that may have had an impact.  We will see how it goes and consider its success for planning next year’s prospectus.

We will be notified of the juror’s decisions regarding the exhibit by April 1.  This will give nearly 4 weeks to have your accepted entry matted, framed, and delivered to The Riverside Hotel by the deadline of April 29.  Easy peasy.

(I’ll make a special announcement at the end of the first jurying process with hotel address etc. so you don’t have to save this message for a month.)

Again this year we will be allowing non-accepted artists to send in their SUBMITTED painting(s) for exhibition in a separate but very visible area.  You may sell your painting even if it is not a “winner”!  We had several artists benefit from this opportunity last year and we are happy to make it possible for you again this year.  Please remember only one submission per artist can be accepted into the exhibit proper.

We will again allow the jurist to select 65 paintings (for the exhibit proper) from which to choose the final 20 for the travel show.

Since we couldn’t know in advance how many entrants we would have, we have not determined how many submissions in total we can exhibit, so hang tight for that information.  We may be able to show only one per entrant, accepted or not.  I’ll let everyone know as soon as I know.

As soon as the judging for the exhibit is completed, I’ll send everyone a link to the web page of all entries.  The body of works submitted this year is spectacular, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Good luck to all of you and I hope to see in you the Treasure Valley in June for the awards presentations.

Thank you!


Scott Muscolo, IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


Important! 2025 Annual Show Prospectus and Travel Schedule

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall

Greetings IWS Membership:

Please find links for the following documents:  The 2025 IWS Annual Juried Membership Exhibition Prospectus and the 2025 Travel Schedule.

We will be using ArtCall again this year for our electronic entry process.  Details are included on p.3 of the Prospectus.

There are a few changes this year regarding substrates, prize allocations, and number of entries permitted.  I’m not going to preview them here, it is better to read the prospectus thoroughly and understand them from there.

We are also extending our travel show to our new venue in the North Region, the Lewiston City Library.  It will be there for two months, November and December.  This will affect your ability to enter your Annual Show entry into WFWS 2026.  Please review the prospectus for complete details, under Entry Requirements.

ArtCall will open on Saturday, February 1 and close on Thursday, March 20, 9:00 PM.

We had a terrific show and travel show last year, and this year may be even better.  I am looking forward to seeing all of your entries!

Best of luck and best regards,


Scott Muscolo, IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


Greetings Annual Show Participants!

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall, Events, Exhibits

Greetings Annual Show Participants!

ArtCall for the 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition is completed, and no new entries may be submitted or existing entries modified.

Congratulations to all for your hard work and dedication to our society for participating in this show.  We have a record 82 participants and 153 submissions!  This is a terrific pool of wonderful artwork to choose from, and I’m sure we have given our judge a hard nut to crack.  Good luck to all of you!

As a reminder, once the jurying is complete, whether or not your painting was accepted into the exhibition, you are welcome to send your work to the Riverside Hotel (we’ll put out more specific information shortly) with pricing if you wish to try to sell it.  This is the first time we’ve been able to do this!  Out of the largesse of our sponsor for the show we are able to hang as many paintings as we like.  I encourage you to take advantage of this if your goal is to sell your work.  The works will hang for two months (May and June), until the travel show is packed up and shipped to Twin Falls for the first leg of the tour.  I will arrange for your paintings to be returned as I have for other shows, and will contact you with shipping charges.

Again, thank you for your record participation!

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


Last email on entering ArtCall

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall

Hello Annual Juried Show participants:

Please note:  Entry into the 2024 Annual Juried Exhibition will close TOMORROW EVENING at 9:00 PM MST.

After tomorrow night, you will be unable to enter or modify your entry.

If you are having any trouble with your entry, contact Scott Muscolo as soon as possible with your problem/concern.

[email protected]


It’s last minute, but I will do my best to help you if you are having a problem!  Probably best to call to make sure I’m aware of your issue.

Thanks, and again GOOD LUCK!

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


Upcoming close of ArtCall

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall, Events, Exhibits

Greetings Annual Show participants!

This is a reminder that ArtCall for submissions is closing at 9:00 PM, MST, on Wednesday, March 27.  After that time/date you will no longer be able to modify or enter new submissions.

We will be notified of the juror’s selections by April 9.

We currently have 102 submissions, and I expect several more to come in prior to closing.

Thank you for your participation, and again good luck to all!

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


ArtCall for the 2024 Annual Juried Exhibition Opens Soon

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall

Greetings IWS Members!

ArtCall opens for the 2024 Annual Juried Exhibition on February 9, 2024. 

Click on the link and it will take you to the site.  (You will not be able to go further into the site until it opens Feb. 9.)  You might want to save the link for easy access.

ArtCall entries must be submitted by Wednesday, March 27, 9:00 PM MST, so you have a full 6 ½ weeks to enter your work.

Please review the prospectus online or download the email attachment and keep it handy for review.

Remember, you must be a current member of the IWS to participate in the exhibition.  If you are unsure of your status, please contact Lynn McConnell [email protected] to be sure your dues are up-to-date.

This year we are exhibiting at the Riverside Hotel in Boise for the Treasure Valley portion of the show, and we have a full two months for our exhibit.

We are able to accept up to two paintings from each artist, and there is a new twist this year:

  • You can send your painting for display EVEN IF IT IS NOT PART OF THE JURIED EXHIBIT.  This is because we have space for up to 150 paintings in the lobby/first floor area of the hotel.  We are inviting you to send in your painting regardless of juried status.  This gives you the ability to show and sell your work even if it’s not part of the exhibit proper.

This is a brand-new opportunity for us, as we previously had no room for any but accepted paintings.  This is how it will look on the floor:

  • Paintings not accepted into the juried exhibition will hang with/near the accepted paintings, but with just your name, title, and asking price on the wall label.
  • Accepted juried exhibit paintings will have a blue dot added to the wall label, and identified as being accepted into the juried portion of the exhibition.
  • The paintings juried into the travel show will have a second dot on the label indicating its special status.

Keep in mind you are still responsible for shipping in each direction.  If your painting is not juried into the exhibition, you can still send it in for display and possible sale.  Woohoo!  If it is not sold, it will be returned to you at the close of the exhibition shortly after June 28, 2024.  None of the other venues have room for this many works.

We will provide you with more specific shipping information after the ArtCall closing date.

If your painting(s) aren’t completed, get busy!  We are looking forward to seeing your work in Boise at the Riverside.

Best of luck, and feel free to contact me directly with any questions,


[email protected]

Scott Muscolo, 2024 Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition

By Annual Juried Exhibition, Annual Show Location, ArtCall, Events

Greetings IWS members!

Attached is the prospectus for the 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition.  We will be using digital entries in ArtCall as in previous years, and the ArtCall site will open on Friday, February 9, 2024.  The end date for submissions is Wednesday March 27, 9 PM MST.

We are exhibiting this year at the Riverside Hotel in Boise.  The show will be up for 2 months starting in May.  This will increase time in front of prospective buyers significantly.

Please review the prospectus.  We were very careful to make everything clear but are happy to answer questions.  Contact Scott at 805-795-0252 or via email (email preferred) at [email protected].

Paintings must be received at the Riverside Hotel by Friday April 26, 2024.

Good luck, and it will be a great show!

2024 Annual Juried Exhibition Prospectus