Greetings IWS Members!
Registration on ArtCall for the IWS 2025 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition closed last night at 9:00 PM.
This year we had 159 submissions from 95 entrants! That is an incredible and deeply satisfying response to our call for artists.
There are fewer problems each year as we become more accustomed to the site, and this year was the best yet. We satisfactorily resolved each of the six or so small matters that required special attention.
We also opened up the requirements for substrate and that may have had an impact. We will see how it goes and consider its success for planning next year’s prospectus.
We will be notified of the juror’s decisions regarding the exhibit by April 1. This will give nearly 4 weeks to have your accepted entry matted, framed, and delivered to The Riverside Hotel by the deadline of April 29. Easy peasy.
(I’ll make a special announcement at the end of the first jurying process with hotel address etc. so you don’t have to save this message for a month.)
Again this year we will be allowing non-accepted artists to send in their SUBMITTED painting(s) for exhibition in a separate but very visible area. You may sell your painting even if it is not a “winner”! We had several artists benefit from this opportunity last year and we are happy to make it possible for you again this year. Please remember only one submission per artist can be accepted into the exhibit proper.
We will again allow the jurist to select 65 paintings (for the exhibit proper) from which to choose the final 20 for the travel show.
Since we couldn’t know in advance how many entrants we would have, we have not determined how many submissions in total we can exhibit, so hang tight for that information. We may be able to show only one per entrant, accepted or not. I’ll let everyone know as soon as I know.
As soon as the judging for the exhibit is completed, I’ll send everyone a link to the web page of all entries. The body of works submitted this year is spectacular, and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Good luck to all of you and I hope to see in you the Treasure Valley in June for the awards presentations.
Thank you!
Scott Muscolo, IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair
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