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Annual Juried Exhibition

Art Call Opened Saturday Feb 1

By Annual Juried Exhibition

Good morning IWS members:

ArtCall opened for the 2025 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition on Saturday, Feb 1.  I believe we have conquered the bugs we ran into last year, and registering for the show should be problem-free. To access ArtCall, click here.

I am attaching for your convenience the prospectus and Travel Show Schedule. Both can be found at the end of this message as links.

We are exhibiting again this year at the Riverside Hotel in Boise/Garden City.  Participants are invited to enter up to two paintings, but this year only one per artist can be accepted into the exhibit.

Other pertinent details and dates are found in the prospectus.

Please let me know directly if you have any problems with ArtCall!

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s paintings.

Thanks, and good luck!

Scott Muscolo, IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair

2025 Prospectus

2025 Traveling Show Schedule

Important! 2025 Annual Show Prospectus and Travel Schedule

By Annual Juried Exhibition, ArtCall

Greetings IWS Membership:

Please find links for the following documents:  The 2025 IWS Annual Juried Membership Exhibition Prospectus and the 2025 Travel Schedule.

We will be using ArtCall again this year for our electronic entry process.  Details are included on p.3 of the Prospectus.

There are a few changes this year regarding substrates, prize allocations, and number of entries permitted.  I’m not going to preview them here, it is better to read the prospectus thoroughly and understand them from there.

We are also extending our travel show to our new venue in the North Region, the Lewiston City Library.  It will be there for two months, November and December.  This will affect your ability to enter your Annual Show entry into WFWS 2026.  Please review the prospectus for complete details, under Entry Requirements.

ArtCall will open on Saturday, February 1 and close on Thursday, March 20, 9:00 PM.

We had a terrific show and travel show last year, and this year may be even better.  I am looking forward to seeing all of your entries!

Best of luck and best regards,


Scott Muscolo, IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


2024 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition Special Announcement

By Annual IWS Location, Annual Juried Exhibition

Greetings IWS members:

First, I want to thank all of you who contributed in any way to our 2024 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition.  It was a tremendous success and showcased the depth of talent embodied by our organization.

There are so many people to thank, but I’d like to particularly thank:

  • Carol HasBrouck Browning, whose seemingly endless store of energy and drive contributed so much to the show’s success,
  • Chris Stubbs our Juror, who did yeoman’s duty in jurying a field of excellent work and held a very successful, well-attended, and much-appreciated workshop,
  • Cynthia Bowman, who endured my relentless micromanagement and produced the finest catalog we’ve ever had as a watercolor society (I mailed the catalogs to the each of you yesterday and today),
  • Sandra Davis, Art and Special Events Director from the Riverside Water’s Edge Gallery, who beautifully curated the works and worked diligently to support us and professionally display the paintings throughout the hotel,
  • and to my wife Shaun who secured a record number of awards from our donor base and tirelessly nudged them until they contributed to our cause.

The most important Thank You is to you, the membership, for the avalanche of spectacular works that filled the hallways of the Riverside Hotel in Boise.

We had a total of 92 paintings gracing the walkways of the hotel, with 28 excellent works not juried as part of the exhibit proper.

At least 5 paintings sold from the Water’s Edge Gallery.  Congratulations to Ying Peng, Hugh Mossman, Marina Zavalova, Thomas Fennell (Tom sold two), and I am probably missing one and I apologize if I have.  Even 5 is unprecedented in a single show at the first venue.

All of the award winners should by now have received their packages.

As a final reminder, the pick-up date for paintings not in the travel show is Monday, July 1 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  For those of you who shipped paintings and have not arranged for individual pick-up, I will be re-boxing your paintings in their original packaging and returning to you as quickly as I can.  I will email you the receipt for the shipping, for which you can reimburse the IWS c/o Dennis Hayzlett, Treasurer, at the address in your membership directory.

The travel show will be crated that day as well, and picked up for delivery to Twin Falls on Tuesday July 2.  From there the travel show will go to Idaho Falls, Pocatello, and back to me for distribution back to the artists in early November.

We are lucky to have Lewiston back in our lineup for the travel show in 2025.  We are visiting them in the first week of August to see the venue and meet with the staff there.  It is good to be bringing the travel show back to the northern reaches of our membership.

Here’s looking forward to a great exhibition in 2025, and even with our unequaled success in 2024 I hope it to be even better!

My sincerest thanks to all of you,


Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


2024 Annual Juried Exhibition Painting Pick-up

By Annual Juried Exhibition

Hello all:

All IWS members who have paintings hanging in the Riverside Hotel Water’s Edge Gallery (NOT part of the travel show) please come to the Sapphire Room entrance on Monday, July 1, and meet in the Emerald Room for your painting pick-up between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

There will be several of us there to sign your painting out.

Shipped paintings will be repackaged in the original packing materials, put in the original shipping box, and returned to you via UPS.  We have a “customer center” here in Boise which is less expensive than the UPS stores with which you may be familiar.

Scott will ship your painting to you and will email you the receipt.  Please send your check for the shipping to Dennis Hayzlett at:

IWS c/o Dennis Hayzlett
2044 E Lamar Ct.
Boise, ID  83712   


Please let Scott know if you plan to have someone from your region pick up your painting for hand delivery.

For those of you whose painting will be part of the travel show, they will return to Scott sometime in early November.  If you are not local, he will re-package your work and ship it as described above.  Otherwise you’ll be notified by phone or email (or both) and we’ll arrange a time for you to pick up your painting from:

3640 N Pankratz Way
Meridian, ID  83646

Thanks very much!

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair



By Annual Juried Exhibition

Greetings, all Participants in the 2024 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition:

If you submitted your artwork to our Annual Show being exhibited at the Riverside Hotel, and you wish to sell your painting, this re-announcement pertains to you.

Idaho Power has asked to participate in our Silver Sponsor program.  They have offered $800 (commission-free) for the option to choose one piece of artwork in our exhibit.  This is a possible sale for your exhibited artwork.

But you must tell me if you wish to participate.  This only means your piece MAY be chosen for this honor.

If you have established an asking price for your painting, it may be to your advantage to participate.

Please shoot me an email directly to [email protected] if you would like to enter the program, or text me at 805-795-0252.

I can only offer those paintings to Idaho Power if you specifically asked to be part of this program.  I don’t want to risk offering a painting which is not for sale.

Here is the list of participants to date.  If you see your name here and you DON’T want to be part of this program, please contact me immediately.

Nancy Inaba                                                                                                   Stanley Cope

Linda Aman                                                                                                    Susan Kluksdal

Laurie Asahara (NFS if not chosen by Idaho Power)                                     Joann Lance

Rachel Linquist                                                                                              Teresa Wade

Cherry Woodbury                                                                                          Hugh Mossman

Susan Snyder                                                                                                 Angela Grainger

Lynn McConnell                                                                                             Marilyn Holte

Renee Galligher                                                                                             Donald Nafus

Pam Grant                                                                                                      Marina Zavalova

Sue Johnston                                                                                                 Gloria Miller Allen

Jackie Zumalt                                                                                                 Jane Shimon

Linda Carlson                                                                                                 Thomas Fennell

Nadine Hergenrider (Only East Fork Salmon River Cabin)                           Frankie Sims

Dave Earnest                                                                                                   Ilse Schreiner

Patti Keefe

( I would offer my painting, but my wife wants it.  Other than that…)

A special thank you to all the participants—this will help establish Gold and Silver sponsorships for next year.


Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


Annual Juried Exhibition Participants and Idaho Power Sponsorship

By Annual Juried Exhibition, Events, Exhibits

Greetings Annual Show exhibitors:

We are pleased to announce that Idaho Power is again interested in sponsoring the purchase of a painting for their collection.  I have negotiated a (tentative) offer of $800 for the purchase of your painting by Idaho Power, should you choose to participate.

In 2019, this sponsorship was $600.

To understand this properly, your painting priced at $1100 would, after commission to IWS and the Water’s Edge Gallery would net $715.  This is after considering your painting may not sell at all.

A guaranteed price of $800 may be of more value to you than a hopeful asking price of $1500.

We do not deduct an IWS commission from this sale, and since it’s not driven by the venue, the Water’s Edge Gallery is excluded from commission in this sale.  You would receive the entire $800.

The sooner we hear from you on your willingness to participate, the sooner we can ink this proposal with Idaho Power.  Please get back directly to Scott Muscolo 805-795-0252 or at [email protected] to confirm your participation.

Thank you!

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


Annual Juried Exhibition on Nextdoor

By Annual Juried Exhibition, Annual Show Location, Events, Exhibits

Hello Annual Show participants:

We posted an announcement on Next Door regarding the show.  Here is the text of the announcement:

Attention Art Lovers:

Paintings from The Idaho Watercolor Society will be at the Riverside Hotel from May 2 through July 1, celebrating our 44th Annual Juried Membership Exhibition!  Nationally recognized artist Chris Stubbs will be the juror.  88 paintings from all over our great state will be on display, showcasing the talents of our membership.  Celebrated local artists such as Joyce Green, Anne Watson Sorensen, Hugh Mossman, and many others will have their work on view for purchase or pure appreciation!  You may find the original work of art that is the new centerpiece for your home while you enjoy the atmosphere and great service of the Riverside Hotel, 2900 W Chinden Blvd in Boise.

We hope to see you there!

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair


2024 Annual Show Exhibitors – Where and When to Deliver Paintings

By Annual IWS Location, Annual Juried Exhibition, Annual Show Location, Events, Exhibits

Hello 2024 Annual Show Exhibitors:

As a reminder, Friday, April 26 is the date for delivering your painting(s) to the Riverside Hotel, 2900 W Chinden Blvd, Boise, 83714.  For your convenience, the easiest place for you to bring it to the hotel is the “Sapphire Room” entrance at the southwest corner of the hotel.

As you enter there, the Emerald and Garnet rooms are to the left, where we’ll be accepting the paintings.

Please drop off your painting between 9:00-11:00 AM.  Sandra Davis from the hotel and I will be there to accept your paintings.  Please have already delivered your completed Water’s Edge Gallery agreement (attached again for your convenience) to me via snail or email.

So far, in addition to the 65 paintings accepted into the exhibit, we have 19 non-juried paintings hanging.  This will be a great exhibit!

Thank you,

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair

Water’s Edge Gallery Contract 2024 Modified for IWS Annual Show

Attention all 2024 Annual Juried Exhibition Participants Whether or Not You Were Juried In/Accepted Into the Show

By Annual Juried Exhibition, Annual Show Location, Exhibits

Attention all participants in the 2024 Annual Juried Exhibition WHETHER OR NOT YOU WERE JURIED IN/ACCEPTED INTO THE SHOW:


If you would like to send your non-exhibit painting(s) that you entered (up to two per artist) please contact me via email directly (again) with your name, painting title, dimensions, and asking price EVEN IF YOU HAVE SENT ME AN EMAIL SAYING YOU’D LIKE TO DO THIS.  REPEAT:  EVEN IF YOU HAVE SENT ME AN EMAIL SAYING YOU’D LIKE TO DO THIS.

I have done more work regarding how such paintings would be handled by the hotel, and on the need to keep them separate from the accepted exhibit paintings.

Due to my essentially fallible nature, I have not saved all your prior individual emails saying “hey, I’d like to send in my paintings anyway”.

Sending them to me again will ensure that I can inform the Riverside Hotel properly regarding hanging tags for the non-accepted paintings and how their sales are to be handled.

The Details for Hanging Tags spreadsheet attached is for your information only, but if you find your name on the list and there is an error (or you wish to make a price change) please also send me an email.  Some of them have curious spellings (I tried very hard to exactly copy your information from the detail list in your ArtCall submission) or no entry for either price or dimensions.

     2. REQUEST

For all of you who wish to sell your painting(s), please download and complete the attached contract for the Water’s Edge Gallery/Riverside Hotel for information on your painting and your agreement to their terms.  Note that the Riverside Hotel WILL INSURE YOUR PAINTING FOR THE ASKING PRICE ($3500 and under) as long as you complete and sign the agreement.  Please take care of this immediately.  If you can scan and email, great.  If not, fill it out and mail to me right away.  I’d like to get all this to Sandra Davis at the Riverside Hotel by Monday of next week (4/22).   The contract also spells out the Riverside Hotel commission (20%).


The De-Installation date for exhibit paintings has been pushed out to Monday, July 1 so that the Riverside Hotel won’t have empty walls during the July 4th holiday weekend.  This also gives you an extra weekend in which to sell your painting.

 My Address:

Scott Muscolo
3640 N Pankratz Way
Meridian, ID  83646

Shipping address for the Riverside Hotel:

Sandra Davis c/o The Riverside Hotel
2900 W. Chinden Blvd.
Boise, ID  83714

 If you have an individual question on any of this, including the shipping/receiving dates, please feel free to contact me directly on the phone or via email.

Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair

Details for Hanging Tags

Water’s Edge Gallery Contract 2024 Modified for IWS Annual Show

IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Participants – Important Notification

By Annual Juried Exhibition, Annual Show Location

Greetings Annual Exhibit Participants:

We (Carol and I) realize that there have been a couple of mis-steps in properly configuring the mailing status for jury notification.  Carol has corrected the email process and we expect the proper notifications to be sent out sometime today (there are quite a few notifications) or at the latest this evening for receipt in your inboxes no later than tomorrow.  The site indicates that the emails have been sent but we know that is not accurate.

Please don’t call or email today regarding your notification as we can’t work any faster than ArtCall can send out the emails.  For some reason even the Rotunda Show information had been transferred over to the 2024 Annual Exhibition ArtCall site, and this is something that we had no control over—indicating that some of the issues are within ArtCall itself.

In the meantime, the proper address for sending your paintings will be the Riverside Hotel in Boise, and I’m going to confirm specifics with Sandra Davis there as to any important details regarding shipping.

We wanted this to go perfectly smoothly as much as you did, so thank you in advance for your indulgence while these issues get resolved.


Scott Muscolo, 2024 IWS Annual Juried Exhibition Chair
