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Karyn deKramer

IWS Member – Dave Earnest

By Region - Southwest
It is with great sadness that I share the sudden loss of Dave Earnest this week.  Dave’s talent’s were numerous.  He was an award-winning watercolor artist, a sound engineer, and I also know him because of his musical gifts.  He was a musician at the Lutheran Church I attend.  He played bass and I talked with him as recently as a week ago.  He told me he was not feeling well, but of course, showed up to play anyway.  If you had gotten to know Dave, I’m sure his family would appreciate a card.
Best regards,
Carol HasBrouck Browning

SW Analysis and Discussion ( In Person)

By Region - Southwest, SW In Person Analysis and Discussion

Reminder….IWS SW Analysis and Discussion

Eagle Hills Church…  651 N Eagle Rd, Eagle, ID 83616

Monday, Sept 2 ,  1 – 3 p.m.



In Eagle from State St. go north on Eagle Rd. to the top of the hill.

We meet downstairs in the Music Room 

Parking is available in the lower lot

Having trouble with a painting?…bring it.

Have a successful painting?…We’d like to see it and cheer!

No painting to bring…Come anyway…..

…it’s all FUN, FRIENDLY and HELPFUL !

“Get that old stuff out from under your bed or off your easel and bring it in for discussion, 

we’re all friends and there’s no crying in watercolors!” -Scott


Questions? email Scott    [email protected]



Karyn deKramer
SW Email Chair

[email protected]

SW Analysis and Discussion (In Person)

By Region - Southwest, SW In Person Analysis and Discussion

IWS SW Analysis and Discussion

Eagle Hills Church…  651 N Eagle Rd, Eagle, ID 83616

Monday, Sept 2 ,  1 – 3 p.m.


In Eagle from State St. go north on Eagle Rd. to the top of the hill.

We meet downstairs in the Music Room 

Parking is available in the lower lot

Having trouble with a painting?…bring it.

Have a successful painting?…We’d like to see it and cheer!

No painting to bring…Come anyway…..

…it’s all FUN, FRIENDLY and HELPFUL !

“Get that old stuff out from under your bed or off your easel and bring it in for discussion, 

we’re all friends and there’s no crying in watercolors!” -Scott


Questions? email Scott    [email protected]

Karyn deKramer
SW Email Chair

[email protected]

SW Members Exhibits/ Workshops for September

By Region - Southwest, SW Monthly Member Announcements

IWS SW Members Exhibits and Workshops/Classes for September


Anne Watson Sorensen invites you to the celebrated Art in the Park at Julia Davis Park Sep 6-8.  Fri-Sat 10-8, Sun 10-5. Find me in Booth 31 by the Julia Davis/Rose Garden sculpture and across from Pronto Pups.

Additionally, find 4 of Anne Watson Sorensen’s paintings in the Juried Group Exhibition at BSU displaying Asian related artworks:  [PUH] [TAY] [TOH] Group Exhibition at the Boise State Student Union Fine Art Gallery from August 18 – October 6, 2024. Reception: Tuesday, August 27th from 4:30 to 6:30PM with remarks at 5:15 PM. Appetizers served.

Linda Aman – IWS Traveling Show-September5th -25th at Willard Art Center 498 A St. Idaho Falls. I am honored to have my painting “Dynamic Energy” in the show.

Idaho Falls-Linda Aman has two paintings juried into the “Art Idaho” show at The Museum of Eastern Idaho. The opening reception and ceremony are August 3rd at 5:30. The show runs from August 3rd to October 28th. Paintings “Aurora” and “Energy Dynamic” are in the show.

Gallery 12 has an exhibit in Blackfoot, Idaho, at the “Candy Jar” 105 NW Main St, Blackfoot, ID 83221. Linda Aman has three paintings displayed along with other Gallery 12 members.

Jean Ah Fong and Susan Kluksdal would like to invite you to view “Sister Act II” at the Garden Valley Center for the Arts. Our work will be available for viewing from September 6th through September 29th in Crouch, Idaho.  The reception, with wine and hors d’oeuvres, is September 7th from 6 pm to 8 pm. It is a neat venue and a lovely time to visit Garden Valley!  We would love to see you there!  

Joyce Green will receive the  Tammy de Weerd’s Award in the Arts for the City of Meridian for  Excellence in the Arts, which recognizes artists who have made a significant contribution to the arts in Meridian, and who have demonstrated a high degree of artistic excellence in any discipline including performing, visual, or literary arts.  Please mark your calendar for the awards ceremony on September 21 at 6:30PM – the ceremony will take place just before our September 21 Concerts on Broadway show at Meridian City Hall.

You are also invited to save the date for this year’s BOISE OPEN STUDIOS TOUR  in my area October 12th and 13th.  Come see how I work and what I do!  (Joyce)

Workshops/ Classes:

Hugh Mossman – There are a few openings for Hugh Mossman’s plein air workshop in Sun Valley September 23, 24 and 25. Fall colors will be on display in the Wood River valley and the weatherman says the smoke will be gone! Class size will be limited to 12 students. Contact Hugh for more information at [email protected] or call 208-914-1588.

Free Zoom “Art Talk with Linda Aman”– Limited Access – Contact Linda ASAP to be on the list for the link, Free Art Talk every Month first Wednesdays , Next “Art Talk” September 4th 7:00pm-8:00pm.  Limited # access – email [email protected] to get on the Zoom list. 

Master Art Classes Online Live   Linda Aman – Online Masters Watercolor Lessons with Zoom Tuesdays (usually every other week) Similar to us in person “open paint” sessions, you can “bring” what you are currently creating.  Just email a painting in progress to Linda the day before class. Artists are learning from all the critiques and each artist’s paintings. Wide variety of art. You will have instruction, personal critique, and paint time during class. Thursday September 10th and 24th. Price $30 per classTimes 9:00am-12:00pm (MST)  1:00pm-4:00 or 6:00pm-9:00 (MST)   Email to register [email protected]   These are Master Level Classes on Zoom. Contact me for more information.

Karyn deKramer
SW Email Coordinator
[email protected]

SW Regional Exhibit -additional information

By Exhibits, Region - Southwest


This year IWS is holding a new event for signature members and then followed by the SW Regional Show.   So we are “learning as we go” and  trying to make sure we cover all aspects so it is an outstanding event.

Here is a better explanation for entries:

If you are a Signature member and also a SW member, you can leave the art you entered in the Signature show as one of your two entries for the SW show.

However, if you enter a second piece in the SW show it must follow the specific guideline for that event.  The size limitations are different.   Please see show notice previously sent out.

Also on your entry form for the SW show, if you are leaving your GOAT painting in as one of your two entries, please note this on your entry form and provide the information for the show label.

-Cherry Woodbury    [email protected]

Karyn deKramer
SW Email Coordinator
[email protected]

SW Artists – City of Kuna Call to Artists

By Exhibits, Region - Southwest

SW Members opportunity to exhibit with City of Kuna

From Scott Muscolo – ‘I’ve been in contact with the city clerk’s office in Kuna, Leah Torres in specific.  I’ve attached a link to their “call to artists” packet, and it looks like all one has to do is fill it out, and be ready to exhibit.

See message below from City of Kuna. Follow the link for more information.


Hello Treasure Valley Members:

City of Kuna is interested in partnering with us to exhibit in their excellent space in Kuna.  This is a great chance for those of you wanting to exhibit but not exactly sure how to be noticed!

I’ve been exchanging emails with Leah Torres in the City Clerk’s office, and she is welcoming us to fill out the form and apply for the chance to exhibit. 

If you decide to visit in person, be sure to seek out some local popcorn from retail establishments!  It’s excellent!

If you’d like me to help organize a show just let me know and I’ll jump in with you.


Karyn deKramer

SW Email Coordinator

[email protected]

SW Members Exhibits and Workshops/Classes for September

By Region - Southwest, SW Monthly Member Announcements
Important Change!:  Email your announcement to Karyn at:  [email protected]

It is time again to submit your upcoming watercolor exhibit, or workshop announcement into the September email listing.  A monthly list of watercolor exhibits members are participating in and/or watercolor workshop opportunities taught by members. To participate and have your announcement posted, please send a prepared announcement to Karyn by the deadline: August 19.

* This is open to SW members only.

There are a few requirements: Please keep it short (short paragraph), text only (no attachments), text that can be cut and pasted. One link is OK. Watercolor media related only.  -Thank you. 🙂

Deadline August 19
Very Important! Please email your announcement to Karyn at  [email protected]
Question or Comments contact Karyn: [email protected]

Karyn deKramer
SW Email Coordinator 

[email protected]

SW Regional Exhibit

By Exhibits, Region - Southwest

SW Regional Show
Oct 21st – 31st
Additional Information:

Mail completed entry form and $10 entry fee – check made payable to IWS to:

Cherry Woodbury
1865 E Netley St
Meridian, Id 83646

Please specify on the form if your painting is For Sale (Price) or Not For Sale (NFS).
For more information contact Cherry (208)-658-0978

Click here to view sign up form

Karyn deKramer
SW Email Coordinator
[email protected]

IWS SW Analysis and Discussion (In Person)

By Region - Southwest, SW In Person Analysis and Discussion

Reminder ….IWS SW Analysis and Discussion

Eagle Hills Church…  651 N Eagle Rd, Eagle, ID 83616

Monday, Aug 5,  1 – 3 p.m.


In Eagle from State St. go north on Eagle Rd. to the top of the hill.

We meet downstairs in the Music Room 

Parking is available in the lower lot

Having trouble with a painting?…bring it.

Have a successful painting?…We’d like to see it and cheer!

No painting to bring…Come anyway…..

…it’s all FUN, FRIENDLY and HELPFUL !

“Get that old stuff out from under your bed or off your easel and bring it in for discussion, 

we’re all friends and there’s no crying in watercolors!” -Scott

 Note:  Scott will be traveling to Lewiston with Carol HasBrouck and Garianne Erwin to evaluate our new North Region exhibit space.  One of the trusty and valued members of our organization will again step in to help.  Scott will be back for September.

Questions? email Scott    [email protected]

Karyn deKramer
SW Email Chair

[email protected]

SW Regional Annual Exhibition

By Exhibits, Region - Southwest

South West Regional Annual  Exhibition

October 21st    –  October  31st  


Boise Cascade Plaza

1111 W Jefferson Street

Coordinators – Cherry Woodbury, Cathy Anderson, Jennifer VonBergen



Southwest Regional Show


IWS exhibition will  honor South West members for two weeks – Oct 21st  – 31st .   This is open ONLY to SW Region members.

Enter the painting you think is the best you have ever painted.   It can be from any year.


Ø  Up to two entries allowed – must be an original

Ø  Regular half sheet size (15” x 22”) preferred- Max outside width or length dimensions 32”

Ø  Art must be framed in a professional manner with sturdy hanging wire

Ø  Entry must be primarily water based media- 80%- on paper or paper like support.  Original collage and other media may be used, but the water media must constitute the major portion

Ø  Oils, water soluble oils, and computer created images are NOT acceptable

Ø  Entries taken on first come basis – there is room for 90 paintings

Ø  Associate Members cannot display in this show

If you have a painting already in the Signature Show (Oct 14th) you can continue to exhibit it as one of your entries for the SW Region show or you can replace it.




Ø  All paintings MUST be pre-registered and accepted by 5:00pm on Sept 7th

Ø  Check out for Signature Show pick up  Monday Oct 21st  – 11am – noon

Ø  SW Regional entries are to be delivered Monday Oct 21st   – between 12pm  and 2pm


Ø  Artist reception Thursday Oct 24th   – 2pm – 4pm

Ø  Check out Thursday  Oct 31st  – Check out time is 10am – 12noon


Mail form below to Cherry Woodbury .  This registration form must be received by Sept 7th  .

Your entry fee check must be enclosedMAKE ENTRY FEE CHECK TO IWS

An acceptance letter will be emailed to confirm your entry is accepted

Your IWS 2024 dues of $45 must be paid or your entry cannot be accepted.  Dues can be paid on line at the IWS website or  send dues to LYNN    MC CONNELL – Membership Director – 52 S Grays Ln, Nampa, ID  83687

Please be considerate of other artists when you choose the size of painting you are entering, as space is limited to 90 paintings.  Work must be in compliance with show guidelines.  Art not complying will not be hung.  All care will be taken to avoid damage to artwork, but IWS cannot be held liable for damage or loss.  If a sale is made, a 15% donatation  payable to Idaho Watercolor Society would be appreciated and  mailed to Cherry Woodbury for tracking purposes for this show.








Painting Title 



City-State-Zip                                Phone# 

Exact Outside Frame SizePRINT


Horizontal ____Vertical_____ Format





Painting Title 



City-State-Zip                                Phone# 

Exact Outside Frame SizePRINT


Horizontal ____Vertical_____ Format

Help Needed: Please indicate if you can help with _____Moving Panels _____Set Up / Take

Down_______Hanging show_________Reception ________Sit Show Mon 11am – 1pm

__________Sit Show Fri 11am – 1pm


By entering your work, you accept IWS Show conditions (Sign Here)

For more information contact: Cherry Woodbury [email protected]