Greetings IWS Membership:
The results of the email sharing survey are in, with 112 of you having registered your opinions, enough for us to make a call.
There were 84 solid “yes, share my email”, with two having conditions we couldn’t guarantee, so I counted those two as “no”. This was as regards the selling of your address. You can opt in to this list if you choose, you know who you are.
The following is the only change that we will make:
- We will create a vendor/donor email list containing all the email addresses of those who voted YES, and it will contain the email addresses of those who did not respond. Silence is agreement. Email addresses on this list will be shared (and, only as requested) with our award donors/vendors. You can opt out of these emails directly with the sender, or revise your opinion with us and we’ll take you off the list.
We will keep separately the INTERNAL ONLY mailing list that is used by Renee Galligher and Karyn deKramer. The email addresses on this list that voted “no” will not be shared with our donors.
If you would like to see the results of the survey, please let me know and I’ll send it to you.
Thank you all very much for your participation!
Scott Muscolo
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