You are invited to the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 50th Anniversary Awards Banquet hosted by the West Texas Watercolor Society in Lubbock, TX on April 13, 2025. We hope that you will be able to attend and spend some time getting to know our city and all it has to offer. Lubbock is well known for its home grown musical talent, wineries as well as farming and ranching history. The Lubbock Arts Festival, always a highlight in the arts community, will be in full swing during the gala weekend. For more information about Lubbock and various venues, please click on the links below.
Links to the WFWS50 registration pages have now been added to the website, the deadline to register for the banquet and weekend activities is March 10. The hotel links are also provided on your registration page. If you registered but did not receive an invoice, please check your email to make sure that the invoice is not in your spam folder. If you have questions about your registration or haven’t received an invoice, please contact Nathalie Kelley at [email protected].
Delegates will have excursions to the National Ranching Heritage Center and the Windmill Museum Friday afternoon and the Lubbock Arts Festival Saturday, unless they decide to do something on their own.
We are looking forward to April and hope to see you all then!