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WFWS50 Q&A and Reminder

By August 26, 2024No Comments

Do you have questions about WFWS50 or the prospectus? Do you have a painting you want to enter and want an opinion? Do you have a painting in progress for WFWS and want to share? I will be at the IWS Analysis and Discussion in Eagle on September 2, 2024 to answer any questions about WFWS and share one of my paintings.


WFWS50 CAFE entries open today, August 26, 2024!


The West Texas Watercolor Society is hosting the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies 50th Anniversary Exhibition in Lubbock, Texas from February 1, 2025 to May 4, 2025. The show juror is Ken Call. ( The show venue is Museum of Texas Tech University. This show is open to watermedia artists who are members of one of the WFWS Component Societies, including IWS. Your IWS annual dues for 2025 must be paid by the WFWS entry deadline, which is October 11, 2024, or your entry will be disqualified. Please read the WFWS50 prospectus carefully and note that for WFWS50 mats must be a single white mat and a minimum of 3” on each side. Please call me if you need help with the math.

Ready to enter? The CAFE page for submitting entries for WFWS50 is now open. Click on the link below to view the prospectus and enter your paintings for consideration.


This year, in CAFE, once entries are checked out, submitted, and paid, there will be no changes or adding or substituting images, so please be sure of your entry before submission and payment.

You may enter your submissions until 11:59 pm on October 11, 2024.


Good luck!


Shelly Johnson

IWS WFWS Delegate